Add rating to lines
I would like to be able to add a general rating to a line. Say if all of the windows are good, I want to able to rate them all as satisfactory. Right now you can only add a rating to comments. This is absolutely not sufficient. Home inspectors need to be able to add a rating to all components.
Janaya Fix
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Hello jaredhollander! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the rating system for components? For example, what scale should be used?
- Are there specific components that you believe should have priority in this new feature?
- How would you like the ratings to be displayed or summarized for each component?
Janaya Fix - Product Management
- The same customizable rating system that is already in place for comments… would just like to be able to add them to lines as well as a blanket rating.
- No there are not specific components. All components need to be able to be rated.
- The same way that they are displayed for comments. Just add another line that says eating right underneath description. If it’s flagged- it would go in the summary as well…
Janaya Fix - Product Management
jaredhollander: Thank you so much for the additional information. I totally understand your request. For the line level ratings, are you trying to give a specific rating like "Recommend a Pro" or "Safety Concerns" or is your blanket rating more like "Inspected" or "Acceptable"?
Janaya Fix - Product Management I would like to be able to give them a rating just like you can rate a comment. That exact same concept, just applied to lines as well. It would be ideal to have the "rating" replace the "add media" button, because you can already drag and drop media to this section and do not need to take the extra step of clicking on the add media button.