
This forum is for product feedback. If you are experiencing a technical issue, please contact
Feedback proposal for new functionality:
Scheduling. A. Have a map or show drive time for unscheduled AND scheduled inspections for the day. Many times we are waiting on the confirmation from the listing agent to schedule an inspection so it remains unscheduled and we want to schedule around it but we have to move out of the software into Google Maps to find how far it is away. This would benefit everyone. B. It would be REALLY great to know the closest inspection to the one you are currently scheduling for the week. C. Why oh why can't the system recognize when I pick an existing client for a new order who their realtor was for the last order? We have to ask the client or go back to a previous order and check. Very time consuming and would be so helpful if the system pulled it up automatically. D. Would be helpful to have the next open spot to pick from on mobile instead of guessing. Communication. A. The mobile phone text alerts should go to all mobile numbers in a profile - currently it only goes to the first one listed. Probably need an opt out box for it but it would be monumental. B. Can we PLEASE have more than one person in a profile? Currently we have to put one name in the first name field and the other name in the last name field. For clients - there may be two that want communications and if I am sending the hubbs the wife gets communication with her husband's name (not hers). For buyer's agents it's the same gig and generally they have problems with getting into their dashboards with multiple email. For sellers agents it's the same issue, however, we also use this profile for builder sales agents and many times we need the sales rep and the construction manager in there. Mobile only: Can we please integrate a link for the address when looking at today's inspections so it launches directions? Currently we have to cut and paste or go to the direction app we are using and type it in. Not mobile friendly. Pricing: Could we have the sq. ft. pricing on the mobile app - it still says Soon your ISN app will calculate fees! - Not sure what they meant by soon... Pay at Close - have it work for the mobile app I'll stop there for now.


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