Having the ability to set maximum number of inspections booked per inspector per day
in review
This would be very useful!
NINE (9) years ago this was suggested!
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Merged in a post:
Limit number of inspections per day per inspector on the online scheduler.
Need to add an option for a max number of inspections a inspector can be scheduled for each day. Example; Offering three time slots in the online scheduler but after two inspections are booked on any given day for an inspector the third time slot will be automatically blocked. This was a feature provided in the past and is something extremely important when using the online scheduler.
Better yet!
Add functionality to allow second inspection preference. Example, If my time slots are 9am-1pm-5pm, a client schedules a 9 am then the 5 pm will be blocked for that inspector. To ensure inspections on that day will be back to back. If a 5pm is scheduled, 9am will be blocked. If a 1pm is scheduled, both will be available as it is in the middle until a second inspection is scheduled.
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Merged in a post:
Allow an Inspector to set a maximum number of inspections per day / week.
Stephen Hill
A helpful tool would be for a inspector to set a maximum number of inspections per week, while having more inspection slots open than the max number. All remaining slots would close once the max number of inspections for the week was scheduled. Example: Mary opens 12 inspection slots on her calendar, but sets her maximum number of inspections to 6. As soon as 6 inspections were scheduled, the remaining 6 inspection slots would be removed / blocked / shown as not available.
Janaya Fix - Product Management
in review
Looks like i am not the only one who remembers having this feature in the past! Please get this feature into future builds. This is so important for online scheduling.
Please vote and move this up this mythical cue! This feature would be so great to have back.
We also miss having this feature from the "other" system.
We want to have several slots per day so people can choose their start times, but need to limit the total number of inspections per day as you can only write so many reports in one night. Once the (maxInspections) is reached, that inspector needs to be blocked so they don't get burned out.
That would be most excellent.
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