Hide fees via the ISN report writer
Al Bolt
Problem: Fees cannot be hidden on a published report. Generated via the ISN report writer
Example: An inspector who should not have visibility of the fees is able to see these on the published report and via the page generated via the report preview.
Suggested solution: Tie the user setting "Do not display fees to this user" to the report writer or provide an option to hide the fees from certain reports as all parties can see those fees.
Al Bolt
All the robot questions have been answered in the request. How about we schedule a phone call so we aren't going down an endless path of automated ?'s. 208 420-1998 Thank you. Al
Janaya Fix
Merged in a post:
Hide fee/service amounts
Al Bolt
The feature enabling administrators to restrict the visibility of fees to certain users may be bypassed if an inspector gains access to fee amounts via the report preview or published report.
Example: If the "Do not display fees to this user" is checked in the user administration page, fee amounts will still be seen on the report.
A suggested solution is to empower owners or office managers with the ability to hide these service fee amounts, to ensure stricter control over fee visibility.
Janaya Fix
Merged in a post:
Please remove the fee from the final report
Al Bolt
Janaya Fix
Sewer Scope
Totally agree! I don't want Realtors scrutinizing my fees. I don't review their fees. That's between me and the client. Bad for business. This one thing will keep me away from PalmTech Complete until it is resolved, no hyperbole.
Janaya Fix
Janaya Fix
Merged in a post:
Intro customization - no fees or option to show/not show fees
John Maxon CPBC 47615
Reports often get circulated beyond the client - we don't want our fees listed in the report. Cover, intro sections should be customizable by the inspection co.
Al Bolt
1) Could you please clarify which fee you are referring to in the final report?
Any and all fees. The Fee $ amount listed at: Inspection Details / Services
2) Could you provide more details on how this fee is currently impacting your use of the service?
The fee is not public should anyone else (including Realtors) see the report. The fee is private information.
My fees are higher than my competition and a Realtor can use that as a reason for their clients not using me which translates into loss of business because of this default.
3) What is the expected outcome or improvement you hope to see by removing this fee from the final report?
Not having to waste time with a work-a-round that I'm having to deal with to prevent the fee from showing up on the report. This work-a-round also prevents automatic sending of the report to the realtor in the email events until I edit the Report Writer after payment has been made and then manually send
ISN Product Management
Thank you for posting, Al Bolt! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you please clarify which fee you are referring to in the final report?
- Could you provide more details on how this fee is currently impacting your use of the service?
- What is the expected outcome or improvement you hope to see by removing this fee from the final report?
Al Bolt
ISN Product Management
Al Bolt
All the robot questions have been answered in the request. How about we schedule a phone call so we aren't going down an endless path of automated ?'s. 208 420-1998 Thank you. Al
John Maxon CPBC 47615
The RW cover page should be customizable - I don't want the fee to to appear in the report at all - we have an invoice for that.
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