Increase Photo Size on ISN Report Writer
in review
Please create an option to increase the size of the photos in the Report Writer Template. This feature should be on the template feature side, so all reports will automatically have the increase photo size instead of having to manually increase the size every time in the Report Writer app. This feature is very important as I have already had clients and agents say that the photos on the report all too small and hard to see, especially on the PDF format. This will negatively impact my business. I understand trying to save space, but as a user, I should be able to increase the photo size on my reports if I'd prefer them larger. This is a pretty basic feature that absolutely MUST be done. Please advise.
Janaya Fix
in review
ISN Product Management
Hey Mwilliams, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific dimensions or size increase do you envision for the photos in the Report Writer Template?
- Are there specific types of reports or templates where the increased photo size is most critical?
- Would you prefer an option to set a default photo size for all reports, or the ability to adjust sizes on a per-report basis?
ISN Product Management
- Would like to increase size of photo up to 3 inches in height.
- Increasing the size is most critical on ALL REPORTS
- Both options should be available. However, Priority Definitely needs to be on setting a default photo size for all reports.