Please Allow more than 15 days for a inspector earnings report!
Thats fantastic. Thanks so much for pushing this forward! i really appreciate it!
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Lindsay G - ISN Product
in review
I don't think that is accurate.... i just tried to run a report that had two lines (only two) and would not populate with the 16 day time frame i specified.... it would however if i did 15 days. The export is a CSV file and i email the PDF reports to my employees so they can se the breakdown. The CSV file is difficult to look at and not nearly as easy to read as printing the report to a pdf. Its also a few more steps and slows me down when running payroll
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Pknepper: I just went into your account and verified that it's not operating as I described in my earlier message. We will look into that.
However, in the emailed version you get, there are two options: Download (csv file) and Print. Print opens a formatted view on an HTML page. You should be able to print that view to a PDF in your printer options. The formatting of that Print option is meant to mimic what would display on the screen where you generate the report in our software.
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Yes that print feature does work on the emailed version. However, it sure is a lot more clicks and time to wait for it and do it that way. If you make it so it did at least 30 days for the report generation, that would be soooo much better... please! Thank you!
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Pknepper: Hello! Just wanted to come back and say we're going to work on improving the logic we have in place so that you don't have to click as many times. When the work is completed by our engineers, I'll let you know.
Lindsay G - ISN Product
Hi there, we email the report now for anything large and/or 30 days or longer. Would you be able to say more about why the emailed version of the report doesn't work for you?
We pay bi monthly.... so this last pay period was 16 days. This made me have to do two reports with shorter time frames for that period making unnecessary work for us. It used to allow longer time frames for reports. Lets says I choose to run monthly payroll someday... this would be really difficult with that! I can set my own start and end dates currently so that is not the issue. Even if a report has 100 entries, it still should be able to be populated. Please change the settings back to what they were previously, Thank you!
ISN Product Management
Hiya Pknepper, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific challenges do you face with the current 15-day limit for inspector earnings reports?
- How frequently do you need to generate earnings reports that exceed the current 15-day limit?
- Would having a customizable reporting period (e.g., setting your own start and end dates) be beneficial for your payroll process?