It would be great to be able to increase the size of the photos in the report (or better yet, have them automatically be sized correctly when the report is published) The photos are what really show the information. It appears that currently the photos are sized in order to fit 4 photos accross the page. However if there is only 1 photo it remains the same size? And a portrait photo is much smaller. As they currently are it is difficult to gain any information from the photos. Reports rarely get printed so there is not added cost to increasing the size and quality of the photos. The report is nothing more than photos and descriptions of the photos and some extra information i.e. appliance model and serial numbers (which can also be captured with photos). The photos should be the main feature with nice looking arrows and annotation and descriptions clearly attached to the correct photos. What is the benefit of having large white spaces on the report? See attached images. Which images are useful? The ones oriented incorrectly, poorly sized, with no annotation or description? Please fix immediately