I would much rather explain all this over the phone but apparently this is the only way, This is gonna be a long list....
When setting up my report template:
While attempting to move the comments where i want them, many times the system will "grab" the whole category or section and try to move it, rearranging the REI 7-6 can result in fines and suspension in the state of Texas and should not be allowable on the template editor.
Many times when adding a new comment, the software will randomly send the new comment to the top of the comment section where i have to scroll up, grab the comment and drag it back to the bottom (refer to the previous issue)
I need permanently affixed disclaimer statements to be able to be tied to each section on all my reports that i can elect to delete at my discretion.
I need subsections for each section to help organize it and make it easier to navigate, i.e.
I. Structural --->
A. Foundation
B. Grading and drainage
C. Roof coverings
D. Roof structure
E. Walls --->
The software is very slow when doing a report. Everytime i tap on something it takes 2 to 3 seconds to "think" this adds up to a lot of wasted time on 40-50 page report. which leads me to the next problem
The software for doing the report is very linear. when doing an inspection you often are presented with multiple category deficiencies in a small area. for instance, i can have an HVAC, Wall, Foundation, Grading and drainage, Roof covering, Window, plumbing and electrical deficiency all right next to each other. in order to put them all in my report while im standing there i must....
go to HVAC, go to cooling equipment, go to comments, select the comment and take a pic THEN
back out of comments, back out of cooling and back out of HVAC, THEN
click on structural, click on foundation, click on comments, add the comment, take a pic then back out of comments back out of foundation, click on grading and drainage, click on comments, add the comment, take the pic, back out of comments, back out grading and drainage, click on roof covering, click on comments, add the comment, take the pic, back out of comments, back out of roof coverings, click on walls, click on comments, add the comment, take the pic, back out of comments, back out of walls, then click on windows, click on comments, add comment and take pic, back out of comments, back out of windows, back out of structural, click on plumbing, click on plumbing supply, click on comments, add comment and take pic, back out of comments, back out of plumbing supply, back out of plumbing, click on electrical, click on service entrance and panels, click on comments, add comments and pic.
this is all way too time consuming and theres not enough info on the screen, if the categories could be on one side of the screen and the sections on the other side so you could jump from category to category that would help immensely. and make the font smaller so you dont have to scroll endlessly through everything, need to have more info visible on the screen
Also the "tapping intuitiveness" leaves a lot to be desired. takes several attempts to get the buttons to activate when i tap on them.
i also can not figure out how to review my report after i am done.