Some feedback regarding the Photo Editor for Report Writer: 1.-The initial screen of the editor displays stock images of landscapes, which the user finds unnecessary for an inspection report. It should point to a file folder on their device to access saved images, but it's unclear how to do so. 2.- Instead of stickers, they suggest having a library of simple shapes like arrows, circles, and squares for quickly pointing out issues in images. Currently, there's only one arrow type that can be pointed in eight directions, which they find slow and cumbersome. 3.-They would like to use the report writer but wishes to add arrows quickly and easily using the ISN app on their phone and web browser. They mention that another app, Tap Inspect, allows them to do this efficiently. In summary, the user feels that the photo editor in its current state is not specific enough for a home inspector's needs and hopes for improvements, such as a more streamlined way to add annotations like arrows and shapes.